
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Pfalz, 2015, Cuvee 12.5% QbA BD 2015 1619 Rot GutWein

Product CodeContainsPrice
Cash and Carry: $250.00
Weingut Borell Diehl, Hainfeld, Germany
Styletrocken (dry)
Year bottled2017
Wine makerWeingut Borell Diehl, Hainfeld, Germany
CountryGermany (Deutschland)
Total acid4.1 g/l
Residual sugar5.4 g/l

The history of this winery can be tracy back to the year of 1619. Since then making classic Palatine Cuvee Village table red wine become main goal to the family from generation to generations,

They are easy to drink, great for any occasions; for a small table of a couple, beside this a one litre bottle is easy & great bargain for a big group. A typical Palatino(Surrounding area of Hainfeld) bottle size.

Lets imagine; in a hot summer day; temperature is coming down in the late afternoon, people like to come out from their house, meet the others and have a cool drink in one of the local wine bar which usually set up right next to vineyards with great a view. Quite often they like to open a bottle of this size, sometime they mix the wine with water and some ice in the glass or to share with friends or taking the unfinished bottle to the restaurant or home, it is very popular in the region, a happy life style.





  1. Delivery
    • 購買滿 $3500 港九新界免費送貨
    • 未滿 $3500 收費如下
      • 香港島: $120
      • 九龍: $200
      • 新界: $350
    • 離島/偏遠地區/機場/集裝箱碼頭; 另外收費, 詳情請與我們聯絡
  2. Contents
    • 所有優惠將視乎供應情況而定
    • 所有訂單會以先到先得形式處理
  3. 訂單
    • 所有訂單會於一星期內發貨

要訂購這些葡萄酒,請給我們發送電子郵件或使用提供的購物車按鈕。 我們可以接受信用卡,貝寶(PayPal),銀行轉帳或支票付款