
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Fish Maw

Fish maw is a Chinese delicacy, used in soups and stews; such as braise fish maw steak. It is the swim bladder of the fish. Our high quality fish maw comes from New Zealand and the larger size were selected.

2023 新西蘭花膠 袋號 FM08
重身, 長約 21~25cm , 闊約 9~11cm, 厚大, HK$6500.00
2019新西蘭花膠 , 袋號 FM49
重身, 特厚, 長, 闊; 長24~29cm , 特闊10~13cm, HK$8000.00