
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


3/F of Entrance B3/F of Entrance B hi-res
Olivia & Mr. CheungOlivia & Mr. Cheung hi-res
Two of our AssistantsTwo of our Assistants hi-res
Red wines we presentedRed wines we presented hi-res
More Spanish red wine we presented More Spanish red wine we presented hi-res
Thanks to Prof. Ko's supportThanks to Prof. Ko's support hi-res
Thank you for the supportsThank you for the supports hi-res
Enjoying some outdoor after workEnjoying some outdoor after work hi-res
Trying her luck at the last race of the dayTrying her luck at the last race of the day hi-res
She Won !She Won ! hi-res
very meaningful rewards to Oliviavery meaningful rewards to Olivia hi-res

儘管從過去多次在這裡舉行活動; 知道這個場地相當不錯,我仍然高興被邀請由香港賽馬會主導及舉辦是次西班牙美酒節及第一次在一個私人馬會包廂,參與其中成為它的一部分。


跑馬地;日馬賽事, 跑馬地馬場 B入口,會員看台3/ F,Happy Valley Suite B302,
