
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


Event opening by the Spanish consul general of Hong KongEvent opening by the Spanish consul general of Hong Kong hi-res
Supported by a group of Spanish chefs.Supported by a group of Spanish chefs. hi-res
YKCL logoYKCL logo hi-res
Promoting three Spanish wineries Promoting three Spanish wineries hi-res
Our stand at the wine fairOur stand at the wine fair hi-res
Display of 9 still wines Display of 9 still wines hi-res
Table 15 location Table 15 location hi-res
Map of venueMap of venue hi-res


請向我們在場的工作人員了解 只在當日為此美酒佳餚節提供之特別優惠。


01 / 每購買11 瓶葡萄酒 可享受免費贈送受多一瓶,

02 / 立即購買,可交付部份訂金,享受免費存儲最多六個月和免費送貨上門(離島除外),送貨前付清餘款。

9月 26日, 15 號 攤位, 香港跑馬地, 馬場 會員看台, 第一座 二樓, 會員正門 入口.

公眾人士環節: 18:00 – 21:00,

入場劵HKD 90.00