
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

西班牙 美酒 佳餚 日

wines on our standwines on our stand hi-res
Ms. Lam, OrganizerMs. Lam, Organizer hi-res
Client with Cava RosyClient with Cava Rosy hi-res
Mike was doing his jobMike was doing his job hi-res
Guests waiting to get inGuests waiting to get in hi-res
Guests were waiting at the lobbyGuests were waiting at the lobby hi-res
Guests were waiting outside the clubGuests were waiting outside the club hi-res
part of the exhibition areapart of the exhibition area hi-res
The stageThe stage hi-res
Consult general of SpainConsult general of Spain hi-res
David from Uno MasDavid from Uno Mas hi-res

由駐港 西班牙領事館 商務公署 舉辦的首屆*「西班牙美酒佳餚節2010」*展出多間 西班牙進口商 的產品,入場人士可在優美環境中盡情品嚐。當中包括各款精緻獨特的葡萄酒、風乾火腿、芝士、朱古力、橄欖油等逾百款食品,堪稱香港史上最集中、最全面的西班牙美酒佳餚展會,將香港人對西班牙飲食文化的熱情推上高峰,更讓餐飲業界人士提供交流平台,尋找合作商機。


地點 :香港 跑馬地 馬場 快活看台 5樓
攤位: 5 號
時間:下午 12:30 - 21:00
業內人士 (免費) :下午 14.00 - 18.00
公眾人士 (免費 唯有人流控制) :下午 18.00 - 21.00, 現場 另有特恵