Composer : Wilhelm Lueckenotte, Hainfeld/Pfalz July 2004
This compendium about German and special Pfalz wine is not complete and not collected for "experts", just for people prefer to enjoy our wines and also to help them to understand better our "German wine language" and their special meanings, therefore its not written down for "experts". I tried to summarize and explain the most important definition around German wine and as comprimated as possible. I like to thank all of the people helping me, special Mrs. Sieglinde Klein, from Weingut Gerhard Klein, Hainfeld with advises.
Pfalz wine represents a big bunch of wine specialities, made by many vintner families.
Pfalz wine is much more than "Liebfraumilch or Blue Nun", Pfalzwine is an individual product able to convince the most pretentious wine lover in the world, if they would know about us, and this is our present problem and but also our challenge. In the large world of wine, we are quite small number . Stewart Pigott, one of the recognized expert of wine as well as the most influential US wine publication "The wine Advocate" are enthusiastic about the dry version of German Pfalz wine.
Our problem is, that may people in the world are just knowing sweet "Liebfraumilch", which is only one variety and an extreme small part of our selection.
Beside of well known sweet or semi sweet wine is our dry wine our strength, wine with fragrance and a wonderful full-bodied-flavour, real unique in the world of wine and this still for real competitive prices.
Do "Shushi" represents the Japanese kitchen? Of course not, it is a part, but by far not all.
My intention is to introduce the widely unknown Pfalz area, the vintner, the people are living and working here, the way of life, and of course to create respect for their wine.
Most of the vintager are small or even very small, compare with international vintner sizes in California or in France. Most impressive is, that the vintager doing their hard job with love and passion and they are proud about their wines, and they are right.
Many things are in their hand but not the weather conditions. Most of our wine are localy wellknown. Localy means south West Germany, not to mention other countries, where our wine is more or less unknown, and this is very sad. Our wine is very good and some having a worldclass level. "Wineroad Pfalzwine" is improving the winequality constantly. I have often the intention that our wine quality, compare with other famoust international destinations, are selling far under value. Our wine and our land is outstanding and unique, its worth to try and worth to visit! Welcome in our Pfalz!!
Hainfeld-Pfalz/Germany in July 2004
Wilhelm Lueckenotte